Mercury is a toxic element. It undergoes biomagnification in the marine trophic chain, which is why it is significant to identify the factors influencing its bioaccumulation on the first level of the trophic chain. At present, the input of heavy metals to the southern Baltic is being reduced. On the other hand, the parameters influencing mercury remobilisation in the environment are a subject to a long-time trend associated with climate changes. Examples include growing number of heavy rain events causing surges or floods, and increased frequency of storm winds leading to increased coastal erosion as well as overall temperature increase. The present studies were carried out in the coastal zone of the Gulf of Gdańsk (southern Baltic) for 18 months at two stations (Chałupy and Osłonino) located in the Puck Lagoon, and for 12 months in Gdynia. Climate changes influence the abundance and species composition of phytoplankton, which in consequence has an effect on Hg accumulation and magnification in the trophic chain, and in the human body as a result. Extreme phenomena such as land erosion or floods resulted in an additional inflow of nutrients, but also toxic substances, into the coastal zone. The bioconcentration factor (BCF) increased almost four times after abrasion of cliff. That was conducive to the growth of microflora, as well as increased Hg accumulation. The highest bioconcentration of Hg in phytoplankton was observed when the Mesodinium rubrum (spring and autumn) and Diatomophyceae (winter) prevailed in biomass. The BCF was then almost tenfold higher than during the rest of the year.
Keywords: Baltic; Coastal erosion; Estuary; Intensive rains; Mercury; Microorganisms.