The development of hemoblastosis is often associated with the influence of various genotoxic unfavorable factors, in particular, with the effect of ionizing radiation. This article presents a case report of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in a patient who was involved in the 1986 accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and suffered an acute radiation syndrome of degree II severity. Based on clinical and cytogenetic dosimetry, the average absorbed radiation dose to the whole body was estimated to be 4.3 Gy. During long-term clinical follow-up (27 years), moderate transient instability of hematological parameters was observed: lymphocytosis, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia, which was associated with chronic viral hepatitis C. Further cytogenetic investigations demonstrated a very high frequency of translocations, up to 50 times background values, that persisted over 3 decades. In 2014, the patient was diagnosed and operated on for prostate cancer and received a course of radiotherapy (total fractionated local dose of 35 Gy) in May 2015. From December 2015 through April 2016, the patient experienced general weakness and developed progressive cytopenia. A diagnosis of AML, resulting from a myelodysplastic syndrome, was confirmed by abnormal complex clones detected in 38% of metaphases by the mFISH-method, along with other chromosomal rearrangements. The patient underwent several chemotherapy treatments for AML but eventually died of bilateral pneumonia in March 2017.