Characterization of cell death currently requires the use of indirect markers, which has largely limited the ability to monitor cell death processes inside the cell. Here, we introduce a new method for the characterization of cell death mechanisms using cadmium telluride quantum dots (CdTe-QDs). Using visible CdTe-QDs with mesenchymal cells (e.g. synoviocytes), live-stream imaging allowed for visualization of cadmium-induced cell death, combining characteristics of apoptosis and autophagy. Initially, similar anti-proliferative effect was observed between 10 µg/ml Cd2+ and CdTe-QDs at 24 h (cell index/cell density ratio decreased from 0.6 to -16.6, p < 0.05) using techniques that do not require the capacity of CdTe-QDs. Apoptosis was confirmed by the quantification of morphological parameters (reduced surface area, increased cell thickness) and positive labeling with annexin V. Autophagy was confirmed by monodansylcadaverine staining, identifying similar autophagic vacuoles with both Cd2+ and CdTe-QD. However, QD imaging allowed for visualization of cadmium elements inside cell structures and their kinetic changes leading to cell death. Cell death characteristics were similar in inflammatory and non-inflammatory environment but were induced up to 4 h earlier in the former. Therefore, live-stream imaging of a visible cytotoxic agent has useful applications not currently possible with indirect methods, including chronological monitoring of cell death.