Human cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a ubiquitous, persistent beta herpesvirus. CMV infection contributes to the accumulation of functional antigen-specific CD8+ T-cell pools with an effector-memory phenotype and enrichment of these immune cells in peripheral organs. We review here this 'memory T-cell inflation' phenomenon and associated factors including age and sex. 'Collateral damage' due to CMV-directed immune reactivity may occur in later stages of life - arising from CMV-specific immune responses that were beneficial in earlier life. CMV may be considered an age-dependent immunomodulator and a double-edged sword in editing anti-tumour immune responses. Emerging evidence suggests that CMV is highly prevalent in patients with a variety of cancers, particularly glioblastoma. A better understanding of CMV-associated immune responses and its implications for immune senescence, especially in patients with cancer, may aid in the design of more clinically relevant and tailored, personalized treatment regimens. 'Memory T-cell inflation' could be applied in vaccine development strategies to enrich for immune reactivity where long-term immunological memory is needed, e.g. in long-term immune memory formation directed against transformed cells.
Keywords: age-dependent immunomodulator; anti-tumour immunity; cytomegalovirus; immune-fitness; memory T-cell inflation.
© 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.