To assess the pulmonary toxicity of radiation therapy combined with chemotherapy v chemotherapy alone, we reviewed the clinical course of 80 patients with limited stage small-cell lung cancer treated in a randomized prospective trial. Life-threatening pulmonary toxicity, defined as bilateral pulmonary infiltrates extending beyond radiation ports with symptoms requiring hospital admission, developed in 11 patients (28%) receiving combined modality therapy and in two (5%) receiving chemotherapy alone. Eight of these 13 patients died from pulmonary complications with no clinical evidence of tumor in five. Pulmonary toxicity initially presented at a median of 63 days (range, 21 to 150 days) after the start of combined modality therapy and at a median of 217 days after chemotherapy alone. Biopsies obtained in 11 patients with severe toxicity revealed only interstitial fibrosis with no evidence of an infectious agent. Review of pretreatment parameters such as age, performance status, and radiation portal area failed to reveal any significant differences between patients with or without pulmonary complications. However, initial pulmonary function tests (PFTs) revealed a significantly lower vital capacity (P = .03) and forced expiratory volume (FEV/1.0 second) (P = .04) in patients with subsequent pulmonary complications. Pulmonary toxicity was significantly more common with combined modality therapy than with chemotherapy alone (P = .017) and worse than expected with radiotherapy alone. Six- or 12-month PFTs in completely responding patients revealed improvement within the chemotherapy alone group and no clear trend within the combined modality group. For the group treated with radiation therapy and chemotherapy, there was significantly less improvement after 6 or 12 months in the forced vital capacity (P less than .005) and FEV/1.0 second (P less than .005) than observed for the group treated with chemotherapy alone. Despite the increased incidence of pulmonary toxicity, overall survival favored the combined modality arm (P = .07). Enhanced local control and disease-free survival appeared to compensate for the initial increased pulmonary morbidity and mortality in the group with combined modality therapy.