Clinical introduction: A 37-year-old man with history of lymph node tuberculosis presented with bilateral inguinal swelling with night sweats but no fever for 2 weeks. He had a cat but he had no history of scratches. He had an extraconjugal sexual intercourse a few weeks before. Physical examination revealed 5 cm tender, erythematous and painful bilateral inguinal adenopathy (figure 1A) and a small ulceration at the base of the penis (figure 1B). Vital signs were normal.emermed;35/8/522/F1F1F1Figure 1(A) Inguinal lymphadenopathy. (B) Ulceration at the base of the penis.
Question: What is the most likely diagnosis?ToxoplasmosisTuberculosisCat-scratch diseaseLymphogranuloma venereumSyphilis.
Keywords: infection; infectious diseases, bacterial; treatment.
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