We describe the histological and immunohistochemical features of the changes produced by spiral coil localization wires in the breast parenchyma and lymph nodes of a total of 100 patients undergoing surgery for different breast lesions. Coil wires produced cystic lesions containing a hyaline, mucous-like, PAS-negative fluid. Cavities were lined by cells of variable morphology ranging from synovial-like cells (with a conspicuous epithelial appearance) to mononuclear or multinucleate histiocytic cells that expressed CD68, but were negative for keratins. CD3-positive/CD8-positive T lymphocytes predominated in the inflammatory reaction. Pathologists should be aware of these changes in order to differentiate coil-related lesions from other granulomatous or epithelial lesions, including mucocele-like and ductal carcinoma in situ lesions.
Keywords: Breast lesions; Coil placement; Histological breast changes; Spiral coil wire.