Introduction: Registration of adverse events following orthopedic surgery has a critical role in patient safety and has received increasing attention. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence and severity of postoperative complications in the department of orthopedic unit in a tertiary hospital.
Methods: A retrospective review from the postoperative complication registry of a cohort of consecutive patients operated in the department of orthopedic surgery from May 2015 to June 2016 was performed. Short-term complications (3 months after surgery), age gender, types of surgery (elective, scheduled urgency, non-scheduled urgency, and emergency), operative time, surgical start time (morning, afternoon or evening), American Society of Anesthesiologists score and surgeon's experience were assessed. Complications were classified based on their severity according to Dindo-Clavien system: Grade I complications do not require alterations in the postoperative course or additional treatment; Grade II complications require pharmacological treatment; Grade III require surgical, endoscopic, or radiological interventions without (IIIa) or with (IIIb) general anesthesia; Grade IV are life-threatening with single (IVa) or multi-organ (IVb) dysfunction(s), and require ICU management; and Grade V result in death of the patient. Complications were further classified in minor (Dindo I, II, IIIa) and major (Dindo IIIb, IVa, IVb and V), according to clinical severity.
Results: 1960 surgeries were performed. The overall 90-day complication rate was 12.7% (249/1960). Twenty-three complications (9.2 %) were type I, 159 (63.8%) type II, 9 (3.6%) type IIIa, 42 (16.8%) type IIIb, 7 (2.8%) type IVa and 9 (3.6%) were grade V according to Dindo-Clavien classification (DCC). The most frequent complication was anemia that required blood transfusion (27%) followed by wound infection (15.6%) and urinary tract infection (6%).
Discussion: The overall complication rate after orthopedic surgery in our department was 12.7%. The implementation of the DCC following orthopedic surgery was an important tool to measure the standard of care.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018.