1 Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, P.O. Box 30.002, 9750 RA, Haren, Groningen, The Netherlands. j.ansuategui.echeita@umcg.nl.
2 Institute of Social Medicine and Epidemiology, University of Lübeck, Lübeck, Germany.
3 Institute for Sports Studies, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen, The Netherlands.
4 Department of Physical Therapy, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
5 Rehabilitation Centre Valens, Valens, Switzerland.
6 Center for Disability Research, Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety, Hopkinton, Boston, USA.
7 PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences Program, Institute for Health Professions, Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Charlestown, Boston, USA.
8 Department of Work Rehabilitation, Rehaklinik Bellikon, Suva Care, Bellikon, Switzerland.
9 Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada, Puslinch, ON, Canada.
10 Ergonomics and Human Performance Laboratory, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China.
11 FCE Systems Ltd, Geraldine, New Zealand.
12 Occupational Therapy Inc., Randburg, South Africa.
13 Department of Rehabilitation, German Federal Pension Insurance, Berlin, Germany.
14 Research & Development, Military Rehabilitation Center Aardenburg, Doorn, The Netherlands.
15 Institute for Human Movement Studies, HU University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
16 Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, P.O. Box 30.002, 9750 RA, Haren, Groningen, The Netherlands.
The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake in the Table 2. The data under column head "Left handgrip strength (n = 336)" was erroneously omitted during the production process. The corrected Table 2 is given below.