Background: Little is currently known about nutrition intake and energy requirements in the post-intensive care unit (ICU) hospitalization period in critically ill patients. We aimed to describe energy and protein intake, and determine the feasibility of measuring energy expenditure during the post-ICU hospitalization period in critically ill adults.
Methods: This is a nested cohort study within a randomized controlled trial in critically ill patients. After discharge from ICU, energy and protein intake was quantified periodically and indirect calorimetry attempted. Data are presented as n (%), mean (SD), and median (interquartile range [IQR]).
Results: Thirty-two patients were studied in the post-ICU hospitalization period, and 12 had indirect calorimetry. Mean age and BMI was 56 (18) years and 30 (8) kg/m2 , respectively, 75% were male, and the median estimated energy and protein requirement were 2000 [1650-2550] kcal and 112 [84-129] g, respectively. Oral nutrition either alone (n = 124 days, 55%) or in combination with enteral nutrition (n = 96 days, 42%) was the predominant mode. Over 227 total days in the post-ICU hospitalization period, a median [IQR] of 1238 [869-1813] kcal and 60 [35-89.5] g of protein was received from nutrition therapy. In the 12 patients who had indirect calorimetry, the median measured daily energy requirement was 1982 [1843-2345] kcal and daily energy deficit was -95 [-1050 to 347] kcal compared with the measured energy requirement.
Conclusions: Energy and protein intake in the post-ICU hospitalization period was less than estimated and measured energy requirements. Oral nutrition provided alone was the most common mode of nutrition therapy.
Trial registration: NCT03292237.
Keywords: critical care; enteral nutrition; intensive care; nutrition support practice.
© 2018 American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition.