The role of Critical Care Medicine in Spain requires continuous revision and reflection. We have values and strengths that are evidenced in our daily work and by their important effects in routine hospital activity. Other medical specialties seeking to assume activities referred to critical patient care, as well as a number of other circumstances, may have a negative impact upon our routine duties. This article reflects the impressions of an important number of members of the Planning, Organization and Management Task Force of the Spanish Society of Critical Medicine Society (Grupo de Trabajo de Planificación, Organización y Gestión; GTPOG-SEMICYUC). The actions required to upgrade our Critical Care Medicine model are presented, evolving towards a broader view such as the 'ICU without walls' or 'Expanded ICU'. The subject is addressed from three complementary standpoints: actions involving the administrative authorities; actions required on the part of our scientific Society; and initiatives to be implemented locally in each Intensive Care Unit (led by the corresponding Unit representatives) at both hospital level and involving the regional authorities.
Keywords: Intensive Care Medicine; Medicina Intensiva; Modelo español; Plan estratégico; Spanish model; Strategic plan.
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