This study examines the translation and rotation of a spherical colloid straddling the (upper) air/liquid interface of a thin, planar, liquid film bounded from below by either a solid or a gas/liquid interface. The goal is to obtain numerical solutions for the hydrodynamic flow in order to understand the influence of the film thickness and the lower interface boundary condition. When the colloid translates on a film above a solid, the viscous resistance increases significantly as the film thickness decreases due to the fluid-solid interaction, while on a free lamella, the drag decreases due to the proximity to the free (gas/liquid) surface. When the colloid rotates, the contact line of the interface moves relative to the colloid surface. If no-slip is assumed, the stress becomes infinite and prevents the rotation. Here finite slip is used to resolve the singularity, and for small values of the slip coefficient, the rotational viscous resistance is dominated by the contact line stress and is surprisingly less dependent on the film thickness and the lower interface boundary condition. For a colloid rotating on a semi-infinite liquid layer, the rotational resistance is largest when the colloid just breaches the interface from the liquid side.