The mouse olfactory epithelium is composed of a heterogeneous population of olfactory sensory neurons, where each neuron expresses one single type of odorant receptor gene, out of a repertoire of ~1000 different genes. Fluorescent-activated cell sorting (FACS) is a powerful technique, which can be used to isolate a cellular subpopulation from a heterogeneous tissue. The sorted neurons can then be used in gene expression studies, or analyzed for the presence of different DNA epigenetic modification marks. Here we describe a method to separate a subpopulation of olfactory sensory neurons expressing the odorant receptor Olfr17. In this method, the main olfactory epithelium from transgenic Olfr17-IRES-GFP mice is dissociated into single cells, followed by separation of the GFP positive cells by FACS.
Keywords: Cell sorting; FACS; GFP; Odorant receptors; Olfactory sensory neurons; Olfr17.