The venom gland of Crotalus viridis oreganus is composed of two discrete secretory regions: a small anterior portion, the accessory gland, and a much larger main gland. These two glands are joined by a short primary duct consisting of simple columnar secretory cells and basal horizontal cells. The main gland has at least four morphologically distinct cell types: secretory cells, the dominant cell of the gland, mitochondria-rich cells, horizontal cells, and "dark" cells. Scanning electron microscopy shows that the mitochondria-rich cells are recessed into pits of varying depth; these cells do not secrete. Horizontal cells may serve as secretory stem cells, and "dark" cells may be myoepithelial cells. The accessory gland contains at least six distinct cell types: mucosecretory cells with large mucous granules, mitochondria-rich cells with apical vesicles, mitochondria-rich cells with electron-dense secretory granules, mitochondria-rich cells with numerous cilia, horizontal cells, and "dark" cells. Mitochondria-rich cells with apical vesicles or cilia cover much of the apical surface of mucosecretory cells and these three cell types are found in the anterior distal tubules of the accessory gland. The posterior regions of the accessory gland lack mucosecretory cells and do not appear to secrete. Ciliated cells have not been noted previously in snake venom glands. Release of secretory products (venom) into the lumen of the main gland is by exocytosis of granules and by release of intact membrane-bound vesicles. Following venom extraction, main gland secretory and mitochondria-rich cells increase in height, and protein synthesis (as suggested by rough endoplasmic reticulum proliferation) increases dramatically. No new cell types or alterations in morphology were noted among glands taken from either adult or juvenile snakes, even though the venom of each is quite distinct. In general, the glands of C. v. oreganus share structural similarities with those of crotalids and viperids previously described.
Copyright © 1991 Wiley-Liss, Inc.