Holographic theories with classical gravity duals are maximally chaotic; i.e., they saturate the universal bound on the rate of growth of chaos [J. Maldacena, S. H. Shenker, and D. Stanford, J. High Energy Phys. 08 (2016) 106JHEPFG1029-847910.1007/JHEP08(2016)106]. It is interesting to ask whether this property is true only for leading large N correlators or if it can show up elsewhere. In this Letter, we consider the simplest setup to tackle this question: a Brownian particle coupled to a thermal ensemble. We find that the four-point out-of-time-order correlator that diagnoses chaos initially grows at an exponential rate that saturates the chaos bound, i.e., with a Lyapunov exponent λ_{L}=2π/β. However, the scrambling time is parametrically smaller than for plasma excitations, t_{*}∼βlogsqrt[λ] instead of t_{*}∼βlogN^{2}. Our result shows that, at least in certain cases, maximal chaos can be attained in the probe sector without the explicit need of gravitational degrees of freedom.