The Kidd blood group system currently comprises two polymorphic and antithetical antigens, Jka and Jkb, and one high-prevalence antigen, Jk3. Jknull individuals do not express any of the Kidd antigens, and are at risk of developing an anti-Jk3 which is known to be dangerous and responsible for acute or delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction. We report a case of an immunized Jknull patient, who was scheduled to undergo a heart transplant. In order to organize his blood provision management, two conference calls were held between the clinical team and the different staff involved in this challenging blood supply. In light of the blood needs, the available resources, and the constraints, a mix of fresh and frozen units were used. As the supply from France was not sufficient, Finland and New Zealand provided the majority of the fresh units. We report here how this international supply chain was organized, including the difficulties that we encountered. Anticipation, communication and flexibility were essential in making this heart transplant possible without needing to transfuse incompatible units.
Keywords: Blood supply; Coopération internationale; Groupe sanguin Kidd; Groupe sanguin rare; Heart transplantation; International cooperation; Kidd blood group system; Rare blood; Red blood cell transfusion; Support transfusionnel; Transfusion de globules rouges; Transplantation cardiaque.
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