The role of oral antibiotic prophylaxis and mechanical bowel preparation in colorectal surgery remains controversial. The lack of efficacy of mechanical preparation to improve infection rates, its adverse effects, and multimodal rehabilitation programs have led to a decline in its use. This review aims to evaluate current evidence on antegrade colonic cleansing combined with oral antibiotics for the prevention of surgical site infections. In experimental studies, oral antibiotics decrease the bacterial inoculum, both in the bowel lumen and surgical field. Clinical studies have shown a reduction in infection rates when oral antibiotic prophylaxis is combined with mechanical preparation. Oral antibiotics alone seem to be effective in reducing infection in observational studies, but their effect is inferior to the combined preparation. In conclusion, the combination of oral antibiotics and mechanical preparation should be considered the gold standard for the prophylaxis of postoperative infections in colorectal surgery.
Keywords: Antibiotic prophylaxis; Bowel preparation; Cirugía colorrectal; Colorectal surgery; Complicaciones postoperatorias; Infección de localización quirúrgica; Oral antibiotic prophylaxis; Postoperative complications; Preoperative care; Preparación de colon; Prevención preoperatoria; Profilaxis antibiótica; Profilaxis antibiótica oral; Surgical site infection.
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