Amplitude and phase modulation in microwave ring resonators by doped CVD graphene

Nanotechnology. 2018 Aug 10;29(32):325201. doi: 10.1088/1361-6528/aac557. Epub 2018 May 16.


In this paper, we numerically and experimentally demonstrate how to modulate the amplitude and phase of a microwave ring resonator by means of few-layers chemical vapour deposition graphene. In particular, both numerical and experimental results show a modulation of about 10 dB and a 90 degrees-shift (quadrature phase shift) when the graphene sheet-resistance is varied. These findings prove once again that graphene could be efficiently exploited for the dynamically tuning and modulation of microwave devices fostering the realization of (i) innovative beam-steering and beam-forming systems and (ii) graphene-based sensors.