Uterine and placental pathology can be a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the parturient and infant. When presenting alone, placental abruption, uterine rupture, or placenta accreta can result in significant peripartum hemorrhage, requiring aggressive surgical and anesthetic management; however, the presence of multiple concurrent uterine and placental pathologies can result in significant morbidity and mortality. We present the anesthetic management of a parturient who underwent an urgent cesarean delivery for non-reassuring fetal tracing in the setting of chronic hypertension, preterm premature rupture of membranes, and chorioamnionitis who was subsequently found to have placental abruption, uterine rupture, and placenta accreta.
Keywords: cesarean-hysterectomy; chorioamnionitis; placenta accrete; placental abruption; preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM); uterine rupture.