Net primary productivity (NPP), as the base for the research of matter recycling and energy flow in terrestrial ecosystem, is sensitive to the changes of environment and climate in arid region, and also is an important indicator of eco-environmental characteristics. Based on remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS), using meteorological data, eddy cova-riance data, Landsat 8 and MODIS data, this study coupled SEBAL model and light utility efficiency model to estimate the NPP of vegetation in Manas River Watershed, and the spatial pattern of NPP and the relationships between NPP and terrain factors (elevation and slope) were analyzed. Results showed that the estimated result of NPP in Manas River Watershed by coupling model was reasonable and could actually reflect the NPP of vegetation. The total annual NPP of vegetation and the mean annual NPP in Manas River Watershed in 2013 were 7066.72 Tg C·a-1 and 278.06 g C·m-2·a-1 respectively. With the variation of geomorphic type and land cover, the NPP changed remarkably from south to north in a trend of increase-decrease-increase-decrease pattern. The temporal variations of NPP were also obvious, with the NPP in July and August accounting for 52.2% of total annual NPP. With the increase of the elevation and slope, the mean annual NPP decreased as a whole with fluctuations induced by different land covers and environmental factors.
净初级生产力是陆地生态系统物质与能量运转研究的基础, 在干旱区生态环境演变及其与气候相互作用和影响方面极为敏感,是揭示干旱区生态环境特征的重要指标.本研究基于RS和GIS技术,利用地面气象数据、涡度相关数据、Landsat 8数据和MODIS数据,通过SEBAL模型和光能利用率模型的耦合,估算了新疆玛纳斯河流域植被净初级生产力(NPP),分析了其空间格局及与高程和坡度的关系.结果表明: SEBAL模型与光能利用率模型的耦合对玛纳斯河流域山地-绿洲-荒漠生态系统植被NPP的模拟效果较合理,能较好地反映植被净初级生产力的实际情况;2013年,玛纳斯河流域植被NPP总量为7066.72 Tg C·a-1,平均值为278.06 g C·m-2·a-1,总体分布趋势是自南向北先增加后减少再增加最后减少,随着地貌和土地利用类型的变化呈现明显的分布规律,且其月变化比较明显,7—8月达到最大值,占总量NPP的52.2%;植被净初级生产力随海拔和坡度的增加整体呈下降趋势,但随海拔增加植被NPP出现3次波动.这些波动主要由地表植被覆盖类型和环境因素所引起.
Keywords: SEBAL model; elevation; light utility efficiency model; net primary productivity; slope.