Fuzhuan brick tea (FBT) possesses various health-promoting functions. However, the available information regarding biological activity of polysaccharides from FBT (FBTPS) is still limited. In this work, the chemical property, cytotoxicity and antioxidant activity in vitro and in vivo of FBTPS were evaluated. It was found that FBTPSs were typical acidic heteropolysaccharides mainly composed of Man, Rha, GalA, Glc, Gal and Ara with little molar content of Rib and GlcA. FBTPS showed little toxicity to human hepatic epithelial (L-02) cell. FBTPS exhibited antioxidant activities, including limited scavenging activity on DPPH free radicals (ranged from 54.3 ± 1.9 to 67.8 ± 2.5%), noticeable scavenging activity on superoxide radicals (over 85%), superior scavenging activity on ABTS radicals (near 100%), and protective effect on H2O2-induced oxidative injury in rat pheochromocytoma line 12 (PC12) cell. Moreover, FBTPS showed significant amelioration of high-fat diet-induced oxidative injury in mice. The results suggest that FBTPS, as natural safe antioxidants, may have potential application in functional foods.
Keywords: Antioxidant activity; Chemical property; Cytotoxicity; Fuzhuan brick tea; Polysaccharide.
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