Background: Lutzomyia longipalpis is the main vector of Leishmania infantum, the agent of canine and human visceral leishmaniosis in the Americas. Considering that the dog is the main domestic host of the parasite, repellent treatment is a measure that might contribute to the prevention of canine visceral leishmaniosis. The repellent efficacy of a single treatment of a new spot-on topical combination of fipronil and permethrin (Frontline Tri-Act®, Merial, now part of Boehringer-Ingelheim) to repel Lu. longipalpis sand flies was evaluated.
Methods: Sixteen healthy Beagle dogs, eight females and eight males, weighing 8.4-14.4 kg, and 2 to 4 years-old were included in the study. Animals were blocked on decreasing body weight and randomly allocated within the blocks to one of two treatment groups of eight animals each. Dogs in Group 1 were untreated and Dogs in Group 2 were treated with a combination containing 67.6 mg/ml fipronil + 504.8 mg/ml permethrin (Frontline Tri-Act®) once on Day 0. Sand fly exposures were performed on Days 1, 14, 21 and 30 with Lu. longipalpis female sand flies. After 65 (± 15 min), sand flies were assessed for engorgement status.
Results: The percent repellency of the treated group compared to the untreated control group was 95.7, 94.3, 81.7 and 72.2% for exposure days 1, 14, 21 and 30, respectively. The two treatment groups were significantly different for all exposure days (P ≤ 0.016 for days 1, 14, 21 and 30). No adverse reactions were observed during the study.
Conclusion: A single topical administration of a new combination of fipronil and permethrin demonstrated a significant repellent effect against Lu. longipalpis bites as soon as it was applied on the dogs and its repellent efficacy lasted for 4 weeks with results greater than 80% for 3 weeks. The results suggest that in endemic areas the regular application of the new combination could contribute to protect dogs from Leishmania infection and therefore serve as an additional tool for the prevention of canine visceral leishmaniosis.
Keywords: Fipronil; Leishmaniosis; Lutzomyia longipalpis; Permethrin; Repellent; Sand flies.