After the Great East Japan Earthquake, we re-recognized the importance of self-help efforts of home-cared persons and their families and the necessity of advanced measures. In 2013, we designed a disaster drill to enhance the self-help ability of home-cared persons and their families in a stepwise fashion. In 2016, for the purpose of reviewing the achievements of the designed drill and its contents, the disaster drill was conducted on 21 users of our home-visit nursing station, followed by a questionnaire survey regarding the training contents, date/time, documents used, change in awareness, disaster-preventive actions, etc. The training date and time was evaluated to be"good"by all the subjects, with the required time and the documents used also considered to be"appropriate"(95.2%). The participants answered"greatly improved"or"rather improved"with regard to"change in awareness"(85.7%). Disaster-preventive actions included"inspection and purchasing of emergency supplies"(38.1%),"reconfirmation of the manual"(19.0%), etc. The free description included"feeling of security due to the training,""enhanced disaster-preventive awareness,"etc. The above findings indicated that the contents designed were generally supported and received recognition, while post training, participants' disaster-preventive awareness and the self-help ability of the home-cared persons and their families were enhanced, as analyzed by their free descriptions.