Sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles were modified with a fluorescent thiol reagent, N-iodoacetyl-N'-(5-sulfo-1-naphthyl)ethylenediamine. One mol of readily reactive thiols per mol of the Ca2+-ATPase was labeled without a loss of the catalytic activity. The fluorescence of the label increased by 8% upon binding of Ca2+ to the high affinity sites of the enzyme. This fluorescence enhancement probably reflects a conformational change responsible for Ca2+-induced enzyme activation. Upon addition of ATP to the Ca2+-activated enzyme, the fluorescence decreased by 15%. This fluorescence drop and formation of the phosphoenzyme intermediate were determined under the same conditions with a stopped-flow apparatus and a rapid quenching system. The amplitude of the fluorescence drop thus determined was saturated with 3 microM ATP. This shows that the fluorescence drop was caused by ATP binding to the catalytic site. In contrast, the rate of the fluorescence drop was not saturated even with 50 microM ATP. The fluorescence drop coincided with phosphoenzyme formation at 0.5 or 3 microM ATP, but it became much faster than phosphoenzyme formation when the ATP concentration was raised to 100 microM. These results indicate that the ATP-induced fluorescence drop reflects a conformational change in the enzyme.ATP complex. The fluorescence drop was accompanied by a red spectrum shift, which suggests that the label was exposed to a more hydrophilic environment. The electrophoretic analysis of the tryptic digest of the labeled enzyme (10.9 kDa) showed that almost all of the label was located on the 5.2-kDa fragment which includes the carboxyl terminus and the putative ATP-binding domain. The sequencing of the two major labeled peptides, which were isolated from the thermolytic digest of the labeled enzyme, revealed that the labeled site in either of these peptides was Cys674. It seems likely that the label bound to this Cys674 could be involved in the observed fluorescence changes.