Purpose of review: Resistant hypertension (RHTN) is a condition in which besides the antihypertensive therapy using at least three different drugs (including a diuretics), brachial blood pressure does not reach the target (e.g., 140/90 mmHg).
Recent findings: Despite the diversity of clinical presentations, we divide RHTN in two major groups according to blood pressure and number of drugs taken: controlled (C-RHTN) and uncontrolled (UC-RHTN) resistant hypertension, with refractory hypertension (RfHTN) included in the latter subgroup. Both C-RHTN and UC-RHTN are heterogenic and complex syndromes. To better approach this matter, the some pathophysiological mechanisms (increased volemia, hyperactivity, plasma cortisol, adipocitokines, and other pro-inflammatory factors), have a pivotal clinical role. Some features (African ethnic, obesity, age > 60, LV hypertrophy, and vascular stiffness) increase the risk of refractoriness as well as worst prognosis. Based on increased target organ damage, cardiovascular risk and events will be addressed in this review. Our conclusion is that although both C-RHTN and UC-RHTN are extreme phenotypes of hard-to-control BP, some mechanisms of the disease and clinical expressions are distinct. According to these differences, "UC-RHTN and C-RHTN are not in the same bag."
Keywords: C-RHTN; Controlled hypertension; RHTN; Refractory hypertension; Resistant hypertension; RfHTN; UC-RHTN; Uncontrolled resistant hypertension.