Performance in the delivery of care to sick neonates in need of resuscitation has long been defined primarily in terms of the extent of the knowledge possessed and hands-on skill demonstrated by physicians and other healthcare professionals. This definition of performance in neonatal resuscitation is limited by its focus solely on the human beings delivering care and a perceived set of the requisite skills to do so. This manuscript will expand the definition of performance to include all of the skill sets that humans must use to resuscitate newborns as well as the often complex systems in which those humans operate while delivering that care. It will also highlight how the principles of human factors and ergonomics can be used to enhance human and system performance during patient care. Finally, it will describe the role of simulation and debriefing in the assessment of human and system performance.
Keywords: Ergonomics; Human factors; Human performance; Neonatal resuscitation; System performance.
© 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.