Nanoscale coherent light sources offer potentially ultrafast modulation speeds, which could be utilized for novel sensors and optical switches. Plasmonic periodic structures combined with organic gain materials have emerged as promising candidates for such nanolasers. Their plasmonic component provides high intensity and ultrafast nanoscale-confined electric fields, while organic gain materials offer fabrication flexibility and a low acquisition cost. Despite reports on lasing in plasmonic arrays, lasing dynamics in these structures have not been experimentally studied yet. Here we demonstrate, for the first time, an organic dye nanoparticle-array laser with more than a 100 GHz modulation bandwidth. We show that the lasing modulation speed can be tuned by the array parameters. Accelerated dynamics is observed for plasmonic lasing modes at the blue side of the dye emission.
Keywords: Plasmonics; metallic nanoparticle arrays; organic gain; surface lattice resonance; ultrafast lasing.