In Shanghai, a new iodized salt standard was implemented in 2012. To provide evidence to the government, we compared iodine status before (35 mg/kg) and after (30 mg/kg) adjustment in vulnerable populations living in Shanghai. The probability-proportional-to-size sampling technique was used to select at least 360 pregnant women for urine iodine test and at least 1200 students for thyroid measurement and the household salt test. Of these students, at least 360 performed urine iodine test. The median thyroid volume and the median household salt iodine concentration of children aged 8-10 years were 1.80 ml and 24.8 mg/kg in 2015, and 0.97 ml and 28.3 mg/kg in 2011. The median urine iodine concentration (UIC) of pregnant women was 126.52 and 139.77 μg/L in 2015 and 2011. All differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05). The median UIC of students was 171.40 and 181.63 μg/L in 2015 and 2011, the difference was not statistically significant. Multivariate linear regression analysis showed that thyroid volume in children was associated with sex, age, region, and household salt iodized concentration. The current iodized salt concentration meets the basic needs of the population's iodine requirements except for pregnant women. Periodic monitoring is necessary particularly in vulnerable groups.
Keywords: Children; Iodine status; Pregnant women; Thyroid volume; Urine iodine.