Atomically thin 2D materials span the common components of electronic circuits as metals, semiconductors, and insulators, and can manifest correlated phases such as superconductivity, charge density waves, and magnetism. An ongoing challenge in the field is to incorporate these 2D materials into multilayer heterostructures with robust electrical contacts while preventing disorder and degradation. In particular, preserving and studying air-sensitive 2D materials has presented a significant challenge since they readily oxidize under atmospheric conditions. We report a new technique for contacting 2D materials, in which metal via contacts are integrated into flakes of insulating hexagonal boron nitride, and then placed onto the desired conducting 2D layer, avoiding direct lithographic patterning onto the 2D conductor. The metal contacts are planar with the bottom surface of the boron nitride and form robust contacts to multiple 2D materials. These structures protect air-sensitive 2D materials for months with no degradation in performance. This via contact technique will provide the capability to produce "atomic printed circuit boards" that can form the basis of more complex multilayer heterostructures.
Keywords: Graphene; air-sensitive; molybdenum ditelluride; niobium diselenide; van der Waals materials.