A bifunctional conjugated organic molecule 4-(aminomethyl) benzoic acid hydroiodide (AB) is designed and employed as an organic cation in organic-inorganic halide perovskite materials. Compared with the monofunctional cation benzylamine hydroiodide (BA) and the nonconjugated bifunctional organic molecule 5-ammonium valeric acid, devices based on AB-MAPbI3 show a good stability and a superior power conversion efficiency of 15.6% with a short-circuit current of 23.4 mA cm-2 , an open-circuit voltage of 0.94 V, and a fill factor of 0.71. The bifunctional conjugated cation not only benefits the growth of perovskite crystals in the mesoporous network, but also facilitates the charge transport. This investigation helps explore new approaches to rational design of novel organic cations for perovskite materials.
Keywords: bifunctional; conjugated molecules; perovskites; printable; solar cells.
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