This study investigated the feasibility of opportunistic osteoporosis screening in routine contrast-enhanced MDCT exams using texture analysis. The results showed an acceptable reproducibility of texture features, and these features could discriminate healthy/osteoporotic fracture cohort with an accuracy of 83%.
Introduction: This aim of this study is to investigate the feasibility of opportunistic osteoporosis screening in routine contrast-enhanced MDCT exams using texture analysis.
Methods: We performed texture analysis at the spine in routine MDCT exams and investigated the effect of intravenous contrast medium (IVCM) (n = 7), slice thickness (n = 7), the long-term reproducibility (n = 9), and the ability to differentiate healthy/osteoporotic fracture cohort (n = 9 age and gender matched pairs). Eight texture features were extracted using gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM). The independent sample t test was used to rank the features of healthy/fracture cohort and classification was performed using support vector machine (SVM).
Results: The results revealed significant correlations between texture parameters derived from MDCT scans with and without IVCM (r up to 0.91) slice thickness of 1 mm versus 2 and 3 mm (r up to 0.96) and scan-rescan (r up to 0.59). The performance of the SVM classifier was evaluated using 10-fold cross-validation and revealed an average classification accuracy of 83%.
Conclusions: Opportunistic osteoporosis screening at the spine using specific texture parameters (energy, entropy, and homogeneity) and SVM can be performed in routine contrast-enhanced MDCT exams.
Keywords: Opportunistic osteoporosis screening; Spine; Texture analysis; Trabecular bone microstructure.