Objective: To explore the occupational disease spatial distribution characteristics in Guangzhou and Foshan city in 2006-2013 with Geographic Information System and to provide evidence for making control strategy. Methods: The data on occupational disease diagnosis in Guangzhou and Foshan city from 2006 through 2013 were collected and linked to the digital map at administrative county level with Arc GIS12.0 software for spatial analysis. Results: The maps of occupational disease and Moran's spatial autocor-relation analysis showed that the spatial aggregation existed in Shunde and Nanhai region with Moran's index 1.727, -0.003. Local Moran's I spatial autocorrelation analysis pointed out the "positive high incidence re-gion" and the "negative high incidence region" during 2006~2013. Trend analysis showed that the diagnosis case increased slightly then declined from west to east, increase obviously from north to south, declined from? southwest to northeast, high in the middle and low on both sides in northwest-southeast direction. Conclusions: The occupational disease is obviously geographical distribution in Guangzhou and Foshan city. The corresponding prevention measures should be made according to the geographical distribution.
目的: 探讨分析广州和佛山地区职业病流行现状的空间分布规律,为地区监管部门制定防控政策提供依据。 方法: 对广州和佛山地区2006至2013年各行政辖区(市)职业病发病资料建立数据库,进行空间自相关分析及趋势面分析,确定该地区职业病发病聚集区域和流行特点。 结果: 绘制广州和佛山地区职业病流行分布图,2006至2013年职业病发病不存在空间聚集(Moran’s I=-0.060,P=0.925),顺德区、南海区2个发病地区具有空间自相关性,顺德区呈正相关性(Moran’s I=1.727,P=0.026)、南海区呈负相关性(Moran’s I=-0.003,P=0.028);Local Moran’s I空间自相关分析显示了各年段职业病发病的"正热点"和"负热点"区域;趋势面分析显示,职业病发病整体趋势由西向东先有微弱递增趋势后下降,自北向南直线增高,由西南向东北下降,西北-东南方向上中间高,两边低。 结论: 广州和佛山地区职业病发病具有较为明显的区域分布规律,监管部门可根据其空间分布相关特点制定相应防控策略。.
Keywords: Geographic information system; Occupational diseases; Spatial analysis.