Cyclic peptides and cyclotides are becoming common identities within the present efforts seen in peptide engineering - as we seek approaches to achieve potent biological activity, pharmacological selectivity, structurally stability and oral bioavailability. Yet this unique family of peptides has faced uncommon hurdles in their discovery, synthesis and bioengineering, retaining to characteristics that truly deviate these from their linear counterparts. In this mini-review we take a board spectrum approach to introduce this novel family of biomolecules and the troubles that they face in their sequence and disulfide connectivity assignment, together highlighting the present combined strategies involved in cyclic peptide/cyclotide synthesis and modification. These efforts have circumvented otherwise impossible hurdles in their manipulation and production that are only now advancing cyclic peptides/cyclotides as research probes and future pharmaceutical templates.
Keywords: Bioactive peptides; Cyclic peptides; Cyclotides; Peptide chemistry.
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