Background: Previous researches have indicated that self-reported positive affect and negative affect is changing in a healthy direction during Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).
Objective: The aim of the present study was to examine how affective personality is related to psychopathology before and after CBT.
Method: A group of clients (n = 73) was measured before and after CBT, differentiated by their problem areas at pre-therapy (i.e., depressive, anxious and mixed).
Results: After therapy, clients experienced higher positive affect (p < .02, d=0.66), lower negative affect (p < .001, d=0.98) and there was a significant change in the distribution of affective personality regardless of problem area, χ2 = 8.41, df = 3, two-tailed p = .04, 99% CI [0.03, 0.04]. The change in the distribution was largest for the two most relevant personality types, self-actualization and self-destructive affective personality.
Conclusion: Results indicate that CBT can achieve changes in affect and affective personality.
Keywords: Affect; Affective personality; Cognitive behavioural therapy; Hypotheses; PANAS; Psychopathology.