Objectives: The objective of this study was to determine racial and ethnic minority patient receptiveness to health reminders, and preferences for media channels and messengers for preventive health reminders.
Methods: A pen and paper survey was administered to patients in the waiting room of a publicly funded clinic serving predominately racial and ethnic minorities.
Results: Three-fourths of participants said they would like to receive health reminders. The top three preferred methods of receiving health reminders were via text message, phone call, and letter by mail. About half of participants wanted their doctor or nurse to send them the health reminder.
Conclusions: Health reminders could be a tool to successfully encourage racial and ethnic minority patients to participate in their own health. If physicians or nurses use a cell phone text message, a phone call, or a letter to send these health reminders they may be particularly effective at improving patient health outcomes.
Keywords: Health reminders; cell phone; patient activation; patient preferences; preventive health.