- After introduction of the Dutch guideline for 'Care for patients with minor head/brain injury' (LTH guideline) in 2010, the number of CT scans has increased. Some of these scans were for patients with only trivial trauma and may not have been necessary.- In addition, since this guideline was implemented, there have been changes in the use of anticoagulants and platelet aggregation inhibitors. Non-vitamin-K-dependent oral anticoagulants (NOACs) and platelet aggregation inhibitors, or combinations of these, are prescribed more often.- These two factors have led the Netherlands Society of Neurology to initiate a request for modification of the LTH guideline for adults in two ways: (a) identification of minimal or trivial trauma for which no CT scan is required and (b) inclusion of NOACs and platelet aggregation inhibitors, or combinations of these, in the guideline.