Background: Epidemiological studies have repeatedly pointed out gender differences in unipolar depression, whereas women have a 1.5 to 3 times higher risk of receiving a diagnosis. This however stands in sharp contrast with the 10 times higher suicide-rate of men, although depression is among the main risk-factors for suicide. Current literature therefore suspects an under-diagnosis of depression in men which is yet to be explained. While there is a vast body of literature covering the influence of gender norms, different symptomatology and use of health care services of men and women, systematic examinations of the role of diagnostic inventories or screening-instruments are currently not available.
Method: A systematic literature search was conducted in order to provide an overview of current male-specific instruments for the detection of depression and to point out research gaps in the field of depression in men.
Results: Gender-specific inventories were used in 8 out of 122 relevant titles. Differences in the prevalence of unipolar depression tend to diminish or even disappear when gender-specific inventories are being used.
Discussion: Existing male-specific screening-instruments have only partly been validated and gender-specific instruments specifically designed for the detection of depression in primary care are currently lacking.
Hintergrund: Geschlechterunterschiede in der Prävalenz von Depressionen zuungunsten von Frauen sind hinreichend belegt. Dagegen sind wissenschaftliche Publikationen zu diagnostischen Kriterien und Screeninginstrumenten für Geschlechterunterschiede bei Depressionen selten.
Methode: Anhand einer systematischen Literatursuche wurden Publikationen recherchiert, die Hinweise für männerspezifische Symptome bei Depressionen bzw. verfügbare Screeninginstrumente geben sollten.
Ergebnisse: Von 122 thematisch relevanten Titeln testeten 8 Arbeiten männerspezifische Inventare. Unter Berücksichtigung männertypischer Symptome verringern sich Geschlechterunterschiede in der Prävalenz von Depression.
Diskussion: Die Ergebnisse deuten auf einen Bedarf geschlechtersensibler Diagnoseinstrumente für Depressionen hin.
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.