In this work, a fully tin-based, mixed-organic-cation perovskite absorber (FA) x (MA)1-x SnI3 (FA = NH2CH = NH2+, MA = CH3NH3+) for lead-free perovskite solar cells (PSCs) with inverted structure is presented. By optimizing the ratio of FA and MA cations, a maximum power conversion efficiency of 8.12% is achieved for the (FA)0.75(MA)0.25SnI3-based device along with a high open-circuit voltage of 0.61 V, which originates from improved perovskite film morphology and inhibits recombination process in the device. The cation-mixing approach proves to be a facile method for the efficiency enhancement of tin-based PSCs.
Keywords: cation mixing; lead‐free; perovskite solar cells; power‐conversion efficiency; tin‐based perovskites.