To assess the electrophysiologic characteristics of the excitable gap, 12 patients with orthodromic atrioventricular (AV) reciprocating tachycardia were studied. During tachycardia, 8 patients used a left-sided and 4 patients a right-sided anomalous bypass tract for retrograde conduction. QRS complex-synchronized single extrastimuli were delivered from high right atrium, right ventricular apex and coronary sinus, respectively, scanning the whole cycle length of tachycardia. An excitable gap was determined to be present if tachycardia resetting or tachycardia termination occurred. The duration of the excitable gap varied among different pacing sites and occupied 0 to 48% (mean 17 +/- 16) of basic tachycardia cycle length (240 to 480 ms, mean 327 +/- 70). Three patterns of tachycardia resetting were observed: the sum of coupling interval and return cycle being (1) less than a fully compensatory pause in 12 of 12 patients, (2) more than a fully compensatory pause in 5 of 12 patients and (3) equal to a fully compensatory pause in 2 of 12 patients, depending on extent of AV nodal conduction delay exhibited in return cycle. Tachycardia termination was possible when extrastimuli were delivered from right ventricular apex and coronary sinus but not from high right atrium, and only when basic tachycardia cycle length was greater than or equal to 290 ms in 7 of 12 patients. Tachycardia termination was accounted for by development of orthodromic conduction block in AV node in 7 of 7 patients and in bypass tract in 2 of 7 patients. Therefore, site of extra-stimulation and basic tachycardia cycle length affect electrophysiologic manifestations of excitable gap. Further, functional properties of the AV node influence patterns of tachycardia resetting and are primarily responsible for tachycardia termination during programmed single extrastimulation.