Targeted cancer therapy directed at individual targets is often accompanied by the rapid development of drug resistance. The development of a new generation of antitumor drugs involves the search for many targets simultaneously to block or, conversely, restore their activity. In this regard, simultaneous analysis of gene expression in a complex network of interactions, primarily cell cycle control elements, is relevant for the search of specific molecular markers for the differential diagnosis of adenocarcinoma (ADC) and squamous cell lung cancer (SCC), as well as new targets for therapy. In this paper we performed an extended quantitative analysis of the expression of two suppressor genes, CTDSPL and its target RB1, as well as 84 genes of the main participants of the p16^(INK4A)-Cdk/cyclin D1-Rb and p53/p21^(Waf1) signaling pathways in the histological types of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), i.e., ADC and SCC, using the special panel of the Human Cell Cycle Regulation Panel. The expression profile of some genes shows the specificity to the histological type of NSCLC and the presence of metastases. The genes with a significantly increased expression that affect the activity of Rb (cyclins, cyclin-dependent kinases, their activators, inhibitors, etc.) can serve as potential targets for combined therapy of both ADC and SCC.
Keywords: adenocarcinoma; cell cycle; gene expression; non-small-cell lung cancer; squamous cell lung cancer; suppressor genes.