Objective: To assess the outcomes of ureteral stent placement under local anesthesia for the management of multiple ureteral disorders.
Methods: Retrospective study of 45 consecutive ureteral stents placed under local anesthesia from January 2015 to July 2016. Inclusion criteria were hemodynamically stable patients with urinary obstruction, urinary fistula or for prophylactic ureteral localization during surgery. Five minutes before the procedure, 10ml of lidocaine gel and 50ml of lidocaine solution were instilled in the bladder. A 4.8Fr ureteral stent was placed using a 15.5Fr flexible cystoscope under fluoroscopic control. Characteristics of procedures and outcomes were analysed.
Results: A total of 45 procedures (33 placement, 12 replacements) were attempted in 37 patients, of which 40 (89%) were successful. There were 10 male (27%) and 27 female patients (73%) with a mean age of 58.6 years (±17.5). Main indications for stent placement were stones (37.8%), extrinsic ureteral compression (28.9%) and surgery ureteral localization (22.2%). The reasons for failing to complete a procedure were the inability to pass the guidewire/stent in 4 cases (8.8%) or to identify the ureteral orifice in 1 (2.2%). Postoperative complications occurred in 8 patients (17.8%) (7 Clavien I, 1 Clavien IIIa). No procedure was prematurely terminated due to pain. Statistical analysis did not find significant successful predictors. The outpatient setting provided a fourfold cost decrease.
Conclusions: Ureteral stent placement can be safely and effectively performed under local anesthesia in the office cystoscopy room. This procedure could free operating room time, reduce costs and minimize side effects of general anesthesia.
Keywords: Anestesia local; Catéter doble J; Catéter ureteral; Cirugía ambulatoria; Cistoscopia flexible; Double pigtail stent; Flexible cystoscopy; Local anesthesia; Obstrucción ureteral; Outpatient clinic; Ureteral obstruction; Ureteral stent.
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