This paper analyzed the results of a modified and simpler technique for distinguishing the intersegmental border during lung segmentectomy surgery. From January 2013 to December 2015, 539 patients with screening-detected lung nodules <2 cm in maximum diameter underwent anatomic segmentectomy. With the guidance of preoperative three-dimensional computed tomography bronchography and angiography, the bronchus, artery, and intrasegmental vein of the targeted segment could be precisely dissected under unilateral differential ventilation, and then intersegmental demarcation was confirmed by the modified inflation-deflation method. The demarcation presented by this method was highly coincident with the real intersegmental border. Dissection along the border between the collapsed and inflated segments using either electrocautery or staples was safe, with almost no air leak or bleeding. This technique is a simple and effective alternative to previously described intersegmental border marking methods.
Keywords: Lung cancer; segmentectomy; surgery.
© 2017 The Authors. Thoracic Cancer published by China Lung Oncology Group and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.