Objectives: Cardiac stimulation becomes a reality in Burkina Faso. The aim of our study was to evaluate this activity over five years and to appreciate the impact of collaboration with French hospitals of Auvergne area in its development.
Materials and methods: Prospective study including consecutively patients who underwent pacemaker implantation since June 2011. Data collected included indications, time to care, type of stimulation, complications, cost of treatment, and education and quality of life of the patient.
Results: Sixty-nine patients received definitive pacemaker from June 2011 to June 2016, of whom 45.5% were women. The mean age was 69 years (extremes 35 to 89s). Almost all patients (94%) were symptomatic (54% syncope and 30% dizziness and lipothymias). The main indication for definitive cardiac pacing was complete atrioventricular block of degenerative origin (83%). The mean time between indication and surgery was 8.2 days, and only 4% of patients received temporary stimulation. The lack of financial support was the main reason for the delay in taking charge. During the study period, the two health centers received support in the form of stimulation equipment, a technical platform, and regular training and practical training. This collaboration made it possible to overcome the lack of material, human and financial resources. We recorded as complications a case of case exteriorization, two cases of benign local hematoma and two cases of probe displacement. The quality of life of the patients improved markedly, none of patients undergoing surgery remained symptomatic.
Conclusion: The organization of cardiac stimulation in Burkina Faso is a reality. Efforts must be made to sustain the activity and strengthen collaboration with hospitals in the north.
Keywords: Burkina Faso; Cardiac stimulation; Collaboration Nord/Sud; Hôpitaux publics; North/South collaboration; Public hospitals; Stimulation cardiaque.
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