Rabbits are one of the most used experimental animals for biomedical research, particularly as a bioreactor for the production of antibodies. However, many unique features of the rabbit have also made it as an excellent species for examining a number of aspects of human diseases such as atherosclerosis. Rabbits are phylogenetically closer to humans than rodents, in addition to their relatively proper size, tame disposition, and ease of use and maintenance in the laboratory facility. Due to their short life spans, short gestation periods, high numbers of progeny, low cost (compared with other large animals) and availability of genomics and proteomics, rabbits usually serve to bridge the gap between smaller rodents (mice and rats) and larger animals, such as dogs, pigs and monkeys, and play an important role in many translational research activities such as pre-clinical testing of drugs and diagnostic methods for patients. The principle of using rabbits rather than other animals as an experimental model is very simple: rabbits should be used for research, such as translational research, that is difficult to accomplish with other species. Recently, rabbit genome sequencing and transcriptomic profiling of atherosclerosis have been successfully completed, which has paved a new way for researchers to use this model in the future. In this review, we provide an overview of the recent progress using rabbits with specific reference to their usefulness for studying human atherosclerosis.
Keywords: Animal models; Atherosclerosis; Hypercholesterolemia; Rabbits; Transgenic.