We conducted a study to explore how people diagnosed with first-episode psychosis experienced their contact with early intervention services for psychosis and the way these experiences relate to their recovery processes. Our aim was to integrate and describe the service users' experiences in a rigorous and comprehensive way. A broad literature search was performed in June and July 2016. After screening, 17 qualitative studies were included. We analyzed the findings in two main steps: (a) translating studies into one another and (b) synthesizing the findings from the studies. Through these interpretative processes, we found five new and overarching themes: (a) something is wrong, (b) do for myself, (c) it's about people, (d) a price to pay, and (e) ongoing vulnerability. We describe these themes as a process that service users' maneuver through in their contact with the services. Our findings are discussed in light of relevant research.
Keywords: Australia; Hong-Kong (China); North America; Western Europe; adaptation; adolescents; coping; early intervention; enduring; health care; mental health and illness; qualitative meta-synthesis; recovery; users’ experiences; young adults; youth.