To review the presentation, diagnosis and treatment of the renal artery aneurysms. Also, to report a non-described complication like the presence of an ureteroarterial fistula, its diagnosis, treatment and complications.
Methods: We report the case of a patient with a renal artery aneurysm that presents a ureteroarterial microfistula on a CT scan, his presenting symptoms, the diagnosis, treatment and management of the subsequent complications.
Results: Ureteroarterial fistula is an unusual complication of renal artery aneurysms. Currently, by the application of minimally invasive techniques and the use of new biodegradable materials we can treat a wide range of diseases endovascularly, although we often don´t know the complications that can result.
Conclusions: Renal artery aneurysms are not a prevalent disease and sometimes not described complications like ureteroarterial fistula may occur. There is no clear consensus on the management and treatment, but minimally invasive endovascular techniques could represent the gold standard nowadays.