Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) was first identified in hypothalamus, based on its ability to elevate cyclic AMP in the anterior pituitary. PACAP has been identified as the adrenomedullary neurotransmitter in stress through a combination of ex vivo, in vivo, and in cellula experiments over the past two decades. PACAP causes catecholamine secretion, and activation of catecholamine biosynthetic enzymes, during episodes of stress in mammals. Features of PACAP signaling allowing stress transduction at the splanchnicoadrenomedullary synapse have yielded insights into the contrasting roles of acetylcholine's and PACAP's actions as first messengers at the chromaffin cell, via differential release at low and high rates of splanchnic nerve firing, and differential signaling pathway engagement leading to catecholamine secretion and chromaffin cell gene transcription. Secretion stimulated by PACAP, via calcium influx independent of action potential generation, is under active investigation in several laboratories both at the chromaffin cell and within autonomic ganglia of both the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. PACAP is a neurotransmitter important in stress transduction in the central nervous system as well, and is found at stress-transduction nuclei in brain including the paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus, the amygdala and extended amygdalar nuclei, and the prefrontal cortex. The current status of PACAP as a master regulator of stress signaling in the nervous system derives fundamentally from the establishment of its role as the splanchnicoadrenomedullary transmitter in stress. Experimental elucidation of PACAP action at this synapse remains at the forefront of understanding PACAP's role in stress signaling throughout the nervous system.
Keywords: Acetylcholine; Catecholamine; NCS-Rapgef2; PAC1; Sympathetic nervous system; Sympathoadrenal axis.