The sterile insect technique for the management of the spotted wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii: Establishing the optimum irradiation dose

PLoS One. 2017 Sep 28;12(9):e0180821. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0180821. eCollection 2017.


The spotted wing drosophila Drosophila suzukii Matsumura (Diptera: Drosophilidae), a pest of berries stone fruits, invaded North America and Europe in 2008. Current control methods rely mainly on insecticides. The sterile insect technique (SIT) has potential as an additional control tactic for the integrated management of D. suzukii. As a step towards the development of the SIT, this study aimed at finding the optimum irradiation dose to sterilize D. suzukii under controlled laboratory conditions. Four-day-old D. suzukii pupae were irradiated 12 to 24 hours prior to adult emergence in a 60Co Gamma Cell 220 and in a 137Cs Gamma Cell 3000 with doses of 30, 50, 70, 80, 90, 100 or 120 Gy. Emergence rate (88.1%), percent of deformed flies (4.0%) and survival curves were not affected by the tested irradiation doses. However, some reproductive parameters of the flies were affected by irradiation. Females irradiated with a dose of 50 Gy or more had almost no fecundity. When non-irradiated females were mated with irradiated males, egg hatch decreased exponentially with irradiation dose from 82.6% for the untreated control males to 4.0% for males irradiated with 120 Gy. Mortality of F1 individuals from the irradiated treatment also occurred during larval and pupal stages, with an egg to adult survival of 0.2%. However, descendants produced by the irradiated generation were fertile. These results are an encouraging first experimental step towards the development of the SIT for the management of D. suzukii populations.

MeSH terms

  • Animals
  • Crosses, Genetic
  • Drosophila / physiology
  • Drosophila / radiation effects*
  • Female
  • Fertility / radiation effects
  • Gamma Rays
  • Insect Control / methods*
  • Longevity
  • Male
  • Ovum / radiation effects
  • Radiation Dosage*
  • Survival Analysis
  • Wings, Animal / physiology*

Grants and funding

This research, including M. Sc. scholarship, materials and part of travel costs to Austria have been realized with the financial support of the Programme Innov’Action agroalimentaire from the agreement Cultivons L’Avenir 2 concluded between the Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec ( and Agriculture and Agri-food Canada ( Grant number is IA113135 received by AF. Travel costs have also been financed with the Scholarship for short-term university studies outside of Québec from the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur ( received by GL. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.