Background: Diffuse peritoneal malignant mesothelioma (DPM) is caused by exposure to asbestos. The medical literature has linked DPM primarily to high levels of asbestos exposure, in particular amosite. Controversy persists as to whether chrysotile is capable of causing DPM, especially when exposures are paraoccupational.
Methods: Sixty-two subjects (51 men, 11 women) with DPM were reviewed in medical-legal consultation with deposition and product identification evidence.
Results: All had pathologically confirmed DPM. Most were exposed to both amphibole and chrysotile, but chrysotile alone was documented in 14/62 (26%) cases. A total of 7/14 (50%) cases of the paraoccupational exposures were to chrysotile alone. Women were younger than men as were those with paraoccupational versus those with occupational exposure. The mean duration of exposure for all cases was 17.9 ± 10 years and latency from time of first exposure was 45.9 + 11.6 years.
Conclusions: DPM occurs with both occupational and paraoccupational exposures to asbestos and may be seen in paraoccupational exposures to chrysotile asbestos.
Keywords: amphibole; asbestos; chrysotile; mesothelioma; paraoccupational; peritoneal.
© 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.