Background: Pseudoaneurysm of the superficial temporal artery causes tumefaction in the temporal region. Herein, we report two cases.
Patients and methods: Case 1 : a 32-year-old man presented with a slightly pulsatile nodular formation measuring 2 cm in the right temporal region that had appeared nine months after traumatic injury. A diagnosis of superficial temporal artery pseudoaneurysm was considered. Excision was performed with ligation of the afferent and efferent artery. The clinical diagnosis was confirmed by histopathology. Case 2 : a 24-year-old man presented with a nonpulsatile subcutaneous tumefaction on his left temple. Surgery was proposed based on a supposed epidermal cyst. However, the perioperative aspect suggested a lesion of arterial origin and excision was performed following ligation of the afferent and efferent artery.
Conclusion: Pseudoaneurysm of the superficial temporal artery must be considered for all temporal cutaneous formations, particularly when there is a history of trauma. The clinical diagnosis may be confirmed by Doppler ultrasound. Surgery is the treatment of reference.
Keywords: Artère temporale superficielle; Chirurgie dermatologique; Dermatological surgery; Pseudo-anévrisme; Pseudoaneurysm; Subcutaneous tumour; Superficial temporal artery; Traumatism; Traumatisme; Tumeur sous-cutanée.
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